30 the Best Free Stock Photo Websites


Photography has always been an integral part of the design. Unfortunately, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing cheesy stock images of people in suits shaking hands. Not only are a lot of these stock photos tacky, but they cost a lot of money. 
Thankfully, there’s been a growing number of websites with beautiful stock photography popping up all over the web. Best of all, they’re free! In this post, we’ve curated a list of awesome websites for free stock photos.

Negative Space offers up new free stock photos every week. All photos are shared without copyright restrictions, you're free to use them.
From architecture to technology, Negative Space's continuously growing collection of images is one you'll find yourself tapping into again and again. The best part? It's easy to filter through the gallery of photos, which are sortable by category, copy space position, and color.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

2. Pixabay

Pixabay serves as a repository for a ton of quality photos that released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain. The site is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate your way through the 780K+ free photos, vectors, and illustrations.
The main search bar even allows you to filter your query down by factors like media type, orientation, color, and minimum dimensions.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

3. Picjumbo

Need free images for your next website design or blog post? Look no further than picjumbo.
With new photos added daily, there is a wide selection of high-quality images to fit a variety of different topics.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

4. Pexels

These photos are carefully handpicked from a variety of free image sources to ensure that you're getting only the best of the best.
All of the photos that make the cut are under the Creative Commons Zero license, meaning that they are free for personal and commercial use with no attribution required.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

5. Unsplash

Unsplash serves up 10 new "do whatever you want" photos every 10 days.Not to mention, every photo published on Unsplash is licensed under Creative Commons Zero, which provides users with the freedom to copy, modify, distribute, and use all of the photos without permissions or attribution. 

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

6. StockSnap

StockSnap.io proudly claims that it's "not your typical crappy stock photo site." And we couldn't agree more.
In fact, its selection is so interesting and versatile that it's almost too easy to "fall down the rabbit hole" and come to fifty-something scrolls later.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

7. Freerange

All of the photos on the Freerange website come from a pool of both in-house photographers, as well as a growing community of external contributors.
Not only is there a lot to choose from, but the photos are good quality, too: "Images provided directly (in-house) by Freerange Stock originate one of two ways. They are either digitally photographed on Canon DSLR cameras or they are a high resolution (4000 dpi) Nikon scan of an original 35mm slide.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

8. Startup Stock Photos

While the name is specific to startups, there are plenty of professional options to use no matter what industry you're operating within.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

9. ISO Republic

ISO's Republic's mission is to "provide high-quality images to be used by designers, developers, bloggers, marketers, and social media teams."
And all it takes is one quick scan of the website to know that it is succeeding in doing just that.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

10. Stokpic

Photographer Ed Gregory generously dishes up 10 new photos every two weeks that you can use on your website, as part of a template, in an ad, and ... well, pretty much anywhere.
You can browse through categories like landscapes, people, and technology until you find the perfect fit.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

11. Kaboompics

Karolina, a web designer from Poland, is the creative eye behind this awesome resource for high-quality photos. From fashion to food to landscapes, her images cover a variety of different scenarios. And users have the freedom to use them for anything they'd like -- commercial or not.
While there are no formal attribution requirements, Karolina does ask that you include photo credit with a link back to the site when possible. This request will help her grow the website, and in turn, provide even more awesome photos for everyone to use. 

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

12. LibreShot

Photographer and SEO Consultant Martin Vorel is the creative force behind the stunning photos available on this site.
From crisp architectural shots to vibrant florals, Vorel's collection of photos contains some of the most unique selections we've come across.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

13. Fancy Crave

Not only are the photos on Fancy Crave free of copyright restrictions, but they're also pretty remarkable. (Can't you practically taste those green grapes?)
All the photographer asks is that you never advertise the photographs as your own, and provide attribution when and if you can.
With two new photos uploaded daily to keep things feeling fresh, this is a bookmark-worthy resource for great photos if we've ever seen one.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

14. Gratisography

With new photos added weekly, Gratisography is another awesome website serving up high-resolution photos covered under the Creative Commons Zero license.
All of the photos are taken by Ryan McGuire, a "whimsically creative visual artist, based in Ithaca, NY." And while these photos are a bit more quirky (we're talking everything from monster feet slippers to Vespas to bananas), they are entirely usable for the right project.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

15. Life of Pix

Life of Pix is home to some awesome high-resolution photos. All images are donated to the public domain and are available for personal and commercial use.
Life of Vids serves up free footage videos, clips, and loops, weekly. Like the images, the video content contains no copyright restrictions and can be easily downloaded on its Vimeo account.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

16. Jay Mantri

Designer Jay Mantri has built up an impressive gallery of professional, quality images for everyone.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

17. SplitShire

SplitShire offers a ton of awesome free photos for you to use without commercial restrictions. Powered by Italian photographer Daniel Nanescu.
we've got a feeling you won't have any trouble finding the perfect photo for your next project or blog post.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

18. Burst (by Shopify)

Burst is a resource from Shopify that provides free stock photos for entrepreneurs. Some photos are licensed under Creative Commons CC0 while others fall under Shopify’s own photo license.
The burst was launched to help entrepreneurs make better products, websites, and marketing campaigns. Most of the pictures are original photos that were taken in-house and are themed around trending business niches — everything from DIY beard oil to Aliexpress LED sneakers. You can also find more general photographs as well.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

19. Reshot

Reshot is a massive library of handpicked free stock photos you won’t find elsewhere. Built for startups, freelancers & makers who are sick of tacky stock photos. Free to use commercially and editorially–no attribution required.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

20. Foodiesfeed

FoodiesFeed offers thousands of beautiful realistic free food pictures in high resolution. It’s the perfect stock photo site for food bloggers.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

21. Freestocks

Freestock offers a wide range of high quality photos all released under Creative Commons CC0.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

22. Picography

Picography contains beautiful free stock photos submitted by Dave Meier and various other photographers. All photos are released under Creative Commons CC0.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

23. MMTstock

MMT Stock is a collection of high resolution photos provided by Jeffrey Betts. Jeffrey likes to share photos of computers and workspaces as well as flowers and nature. All photos are released under Creative Commons CC0.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

24. Skitterphoto

SkitterPhoto offers a wide variety of free stock photos and are released under Creative Commons CC0. All pictures are authentic and created by Skitterphoto’s owners.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

25. Littlevisuals

This mention comes with a bit of sad news. The owner of the site Nic passed away but his photos remain in his memory. All photos that have been posted were released under the creative commons license public domain dedication.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

26. Shot Stash

ShotStash offers a broad range of photos; they add new images every day under a free for commercial and personal use license.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

27. Styled Stock

StyleStock offers free feminine stock photography for every woman entrepreneur. The collection is totally free for your commercial & personal works.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

28. Epicantus 

Epicantus contains free original photography by Daria. You can use these hi-res photos for your landing pages, blog posts & designs. All photos are released under creative commons CC0.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself

29. Death to the stock photo

Every month a photo pack of 10 photos within a certain category will be delivered to your inbox. The goal of Death to Stock Photos is to bring you a variety of options in which to use for your mockups, blog posts or social media.

Death to stock photo uses their own license which you can read on their wesbite.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself
30. New Old Stock

This collection of vintage photos comes from the public archive via Flickr Commons. According to the website, the photos are free of any known copyright restrictions.
That said, while it's likely that they are safe to use for things like blog posts and hero images, you'll want to read up on the rights and usage below before you use them for any type of commercial project.

Just visit the website from the link below, Go see for yourself
Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar of your browser for fast, easy search and download stock. Then you just simply click it.



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Srinivas Creations: 30 the Best Free Stock Photo Websites
30 the Best Free Stock Photo Websites
Srinivas Creations
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